
Photography Tutorials

Challenge Jimmy

Tutorial: Luminosity Masks and A DIFFICULT Landscape Photo

Tutorial: Luminosity Masks and A DIFFICULT Landscape Photo In today’s Challenge Jimmy, we look at how to process a challenging landscape using luminosity masks and 4 exposures. Here we also use Frequency Separation, and we find out how to deal with moving branches between exposures. To take part in Challenge Jimmy, send your email to […]

Edit A Stunning Sunset/Sunrise in Photoshop with Luminosity Masks

Edit A Stunning Sunset/Sunrise in Photoshop with Luminosity Masks In today’s video we look specifically at luminosity masks and exposure blending a beautiful sunset. We look at some more advanced techniques here, learning how to create a realistic, natural blend. A big thank you to Hermann Forster for the images. If you’re new to masking, […]

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