
Photography Tutorials


Eliminating Halos in Photoshop

Eliminating Halos in Photoshop This Eliminating Halos in Photoshop Article is by Chris Frost | Landscape photographer of the year 2020. If you would like to write for us, please read here. Many of us have been there before.  After finally finishing the processing of an image, a feeling of satisfaction floods in as you proudly view your finished piece […]

Deconvolution Sharpening In Photoshop

Deconvolution Sharpening In Photoshop What is Deconvolution Sharpening in Photoshop? It is an advanced and intelligent way of sharpening images. Instead of the usual methods of  High Pass Sharpening or Unsharp Mask which all simply try to make images appear sharper. The way those methods work in their most basic form is by finding edges […]

Combining Luminosity Masking With Focus Stacking In Photoshop

Combining Luminosity Masking With Focus Stacking In Photoshop Combining Luminosity Masking With Focus Stacking In Photoshop article is by Coen Janse, If you would like to write for us, please read here. Having your photos sharp front to back can be tricky, especially with certain compositions. In addition to that, achieving a balanced exposure in your […]

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