
Photography Tutorials

Easy Panel Installation Support

Easy Panel  Installation Support

The Easy Panel is compatible with CS6 and CC, and Windows and Mac.

Thank you for downloading the Easy Panel. The number 1 reason why the Easy Panel will not install correctly (this accounts for over 95% of installation problems), is that the version of Easy Panel that is being installed is not compatible with the user’s version of Photoshop.

For example, users who have Photoshop CC cannot install the Easy Panel from the folder called CS6. And users of Photoshop CCS6 cannot install the Easy Panel from the folder called ‘CC’.

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Other Installation Problems

Could not load extension because it was not properly signed.

This error happens for a number of reasons that are simple to resolve.

But firstly, please remove the Easy Panel. Do this from Extension Manager, or if you didn’t use Extension Manager watch the appropriate video below. These videos are for Raya Pro but the process to remove the Easy Panel is the same.

Windows CC 2014/2015:

Mac CC 2014/2015:

Mac CS5, CS6 & CC14

Uninstall Raya Pro Mac - CS5, CS6 and CC14 (No Audio)

Windows CS5, CS6 & CC14

Uninstall Raya Pro Windows - CS5, CS6 and CC14 (No Audio)


Reasons why we get the ‘not signed’ error

Reason 1: the file was transferred to another computer via USB flashdrive or something similar. This will nullify the file. Instead, the zip file must be downloaded directly from the internet to the computer you wish to install it on.

Reason 2: the file was unzipped unconventionally. Some unzipping processes are not compatible with this file. The best way to unzip a file for Windows users is to place it on the desktop, right-click on the file, and choose Extract Here. Mac’s native unzip, which happens automatically after download, is the best way to unzip the file on a Mac.

Reason 3: the old version was not uninstalled correctly. If you are updating the Easy Panel, but did not remove the old version fully, this will cause the installation to fail.

Uninstalling the panel by following the appropriate video above, and re-installing using the instructions in the video should fix this problem.

Reason 4: the file became corrupted during the download process. Please re-download the file and install using the manual installation method.


Easy Panel is not appearing in Windows>Extensions.

This happens because we are trying to install an incompatible version of the Easy Panel into Photoshop. Please look carefully at your version of Photoshop and make sure the Easy Panel file you are installing is the exact same version.

Some users have found that particular versions of On1 programs have been blocking panels in Photoshop. Please try disabling On1 to see if this resolves the issue, if the above suggestion didn’t.


Extension Manager Errors

Raya Pro CS6

If you are receiving the above error, this is because Photoshop and Extension Manager are not communicating. You can verify this by opening Extension Manager and looking to the left where it says products. If you don’t see your version of Photoshop in there, then the two programs are not communicating correctly. Re-installing Photoshop can fix this problem, or speaking to Adobe support will help.

However, for reasons such as this we have the Manual Method which is a simple copy and paste process to install the panel. You can see this in the installation video included in your download.

If, on the other hand, your Photoshop is visible in the Products section, then this error means the version of the Easy Panel that you are installing is not compatible with your version of Photoshop. Please check the file name carefully against your version of Photoshop.

extension manager

If you have the above error, or something similar (the ranges might be different depending on the file you are installing), this means that the version of the Easy Panel that is being installed is incompatible with your version of Photoshop. Please check the file name carefully against your version of Photoshop.


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