
Photography Tutorials

Luminosity Mask Tutorials

How To Rescue Undersaturated Photos in Photoshop Without Using Lightroom or ACR

How To Rescue Undersaturated Photos in Photoshop Without Using Lightroom or ACR Knowing how to rescue undersaturated photos in Photoshop can be really useful. As is often the case in Photoshop, there’s more than one way to do this. The most obvious way is by using the Camera Raw Filter. Don’t get me wrong, Camera […]

Camera Settings – How To Shoot For Exposure Blending with Luminosity Masks

Camera Settings – How To Shoot For Exposure Blending with Luminosity Masks Capturing the scene correctly in-camera is certainly the most important step in any photography workflow – a Digital Blending workflow is no different. No amount of post-processing can save a mood-less, blurry scene. It is important that we understand the incredible machine that […]

Luminosity Masks Tutorial – Specific Contrast Adjustments

Luminosity Masks Tutorial – Specific Contrast Adjustments Anyone who regularly uses luminosity masks knows exactly how powerful they are in producing beautiful imagery. Since they are an advanced selection technique, however, they can be used for much more than exposure blending. In fact, their power lies in their flexibility which we will touch on in […]

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