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Support Page for InstaMask
1. When I press Test, End Test, Apply etc. I get the error ‘Command Select not available.
2. InstaMask is blank after I loaded the page.
3. Sliders Don’t Exist/Panel Buttons Not Responsive
4. Sliders don’t work correctly
5. The object channel midtones 6 is not currently available.
6. The command Apply Image is not currently available
7. Select Col/Lum not working
1. When I press Test, End Test, Apply etc. I get the error ‘Command Select not available.
This happens because we have not selected the layer we wish to apply the mask to. If we create a mask and then press Apply, for example, we haven’t told Photoshop which layer to apply the mask to, so it shows this error. So we simply select the correct layer, then press the desired buttons.
Here are the correct steps to using InstaMask:
- Create an InstaMask. We must make this layer first, before we do anything else. So create a mask by pressing one of the numbered buttons, for example, at the top. You will see a new InstaMask group/layer being created.
- Now look at your layers panel. To blend exposures, you must have multiple layers, all with different exposure values. Simply duplicating the background layer will not make any difference.
- Select the layer you wish to put the mask on. And then press Apply/Test. If you press Test, this will duplicate your layer, and call it InstaMask. You can then see if the mask is good. If it is, select the layer again (not the InstaMask layer), and press Apply. That’s it.
- If you are working a single exposure, you can still use InstaMask. So create the mask just as before, but now you must use the buttons called Orton, Sharpen, Detail etc. You cannot use Apply/Test because you have no layers to test it on.
- Please see the latest InstaMask tutorial on how to use Apply the mask to a layer.
2. InstaMask is blank after I loaded the page.
Here we just need to refresh the panel. Just click on the dropdown box in the top right of the panel and choose ‘Close’. Close Photoshop fully and then re-open it. Then go up to the Window menu, and to extensions. There you will see Instamask. Click on it and the panel will be restored.
3. Sliders Don’t Exist/Panel Buttons Not Responsive
Please note, InstaMask works best in CC 2015.5 or above. Any before that and the panel may have problems like this. If you’re a CC user you should take advantage of the upgrades that come with the package. Earlier versions of Photoshop CC were simply unstable and inconsistent, especially with advanced HTML panels. Please upgrade so that InstaMask will work fully.
4. Sliders don’t work correctly
If you find that the sliders are not working exactly as in the video, and the Reset button is not working, you may need to make one little change.
Locate your History dialogue as in the image below. If you do not see it, go to Window>History
Then with this dialogue open, click on the dropdown box and go to History Options. When the new dialogue appears, uncheck Allow Non-Linear History. This should fix the problem.
5. The object channel midtones 6 is not currently available.
This happens when we press Del LM but haven’t created the 16 luminosity masks in our channel first. Remember that Del LM does not delete the InstaMask layer in our layers panel. If you want to do that, press the ‘X’ button in the top-right of the panel. To see how the Del LM button works, please press All LM first, then go to your channels pallette and notice that we now have a all of our Brights, Darks, Midtones luminosity masks there. To delete these, press Del LM. If we press Del LM before we create all of those maks, we will get this error.
6. The command Apply Image is not currently available
This is happening because your Photoshop is not creating masks on its adjustment layers, which it should be doing. Please do the following (I’ve attached an image to show you how to do this). Go to the top right of your adjustments panel and click on the dropdown box. Is the option ‘Add mask by default’ selected, as in my image? If not, select it and try the masks again. It should work now.
7. Select Col/Lum not working
If you are trying to select a colour with the eyedropper but nothing is working, please select the eyedropper tool (see image), and at the top of Photoshop, where you see Sample Size and Sample. Please change Sample to All layers. And test it now. It should work.