This page is designed to help you install Raya Pro if you have experienced difficulties. Please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Windows Users Only – Make sure you have unzipped the Raya Pro download so it is now a normal folder and not a zip file. To do that, right click on the zip file and choose Extract.
Step 2: Confirm your version of Photoshop. If you are a CC user (that’s the monthly subscription based version), please install Raya Pro from the folder named ’01. CC Users’. CS6 users please use the folder called ’02. CS6 Users’. Installing the wrong version of Raya Pro is the number one reason for installation difficulties.
Step 3: Watch the installation video in the correct folder (CC users watch the video in 01. CC Users. CS6 Users watch the video in 02. CS6 Users). Follow the stepes carefully. Watch ALL of the video if the first installation method did not work for you. There is a second which should fix the problem.
Step 4: Fully close and re-open Photoshop and go to the top menu in Photoshop called Window. Then down to Extensions. Do you see Raya Pro inside there?
Step 5: If you do not see Raya Pro, please send me a screen shot of your extension folder in which you pasted the 8 Raya Pro folders. Email me this screenshot to, and let me know your operating system (Windows/Mac) and your version of Photoshop, and any information, such as errors, regarding the problems you have.