
Photography Tutorials

Quick Photoshop Secrets 13: Add Awesome Colours In Your Photos

Quick Photoshop Secrets 13: Add Awesome Colours In Your Photos

Quick Photoshop Secrets 13: Add Awesome Colours In Your Photos

There are some great techniques for instantly adding interesting colours to your images in Photoshop. In this week’s Photoshop Secrets, I show you a little method I stumbled across a couple of years ago which will add awesome colours to your photos, and make sure that any warm filters you add, are targeted towards the correct areas.

Essentially we’re using Photo filters, clipped to a 50% grey layer to gain more control over how the colour is applied to the scene. But it is the Blend Mode of the grey layer where the real magic happens.

How To Add Warmth in Photoshop

One way to add colours in your photos is by injecting more warmth into sunrises or sunsets.

1. Add a photo filter.
photo filter
2. Select the filter that you want to apply.
Add warm filter
3. Adjust the density to increase or decrease the strength.
strong image filters
4. Remove unwanted warmth by adding a new layer between your image and photo filter.
add layer
5. With your new layer selected. Go to Edit>Fill.
fill layer
6. For ‘Content’ select 50% Grey and click OK.
50% Gray
7. Change the Blend Mode of the layer to Soft Light.
soft light blend mode
8. Select the Photo Filter layer. Then, right-click and choose Create Clipping Mask.

create clipping mask

Now we have added a much more natural warmth to our image without saturating areas like the sky.

Colours In Your Photos

Colours In Your Photos

Adding Colours to Shadows in Photoshop

Another way to add colours in your photos is by using a colour Photo Filter.

1. Fist, Add a new Layer.

add a filter layer

2. Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light.

filter blend mode

3. Fill this new layer by going to Edit>Fill.

colour fill

4. Choose ‘50% Gray’ for contents and click OK.

fill settings in photoshop

5. Add a Photo Filter.

add a filter to photos

6. Choose a coloured filter to apply.

filter colour selection

7. Adjust the density to raise or lower the strength of the filter.

filter strength

8. Right-click on the layer and select Create Clipping Mask.

Add clipping mask to layer

9. To increase the strength of the filter, even more, change the blend mode from Soft Light to Hard Light.

soft light to hard light

10. If the effect is too strong reduce the opacity of the layer until you’re happy with it.

filter layer opacity

add a colour filter

blue filter

If you like this article you might also like to learn how to Add Colour to Highlights.

Alternatively, If you want to change the colour of a specific object you might enjoy this article, click HERE.

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Quick Photoshop Secrets 13: Add Awesome Colours In Your Photos
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