
Photography Tutorials

Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop

Increase texture and clarity in photoshop

Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop

One of our favourite methods to increase texture and clarity in Photoshop is by using a High Pass sharpening technique which we’ve covered previously. We also have a brilliant technique for removing noise and sharpening detail, but this only works if you have multiple exposures. What if you only have one exposure and you want to keep noise to a minimum and amplify details in your photo as much as possible?  Well, look no further than the Texture and Clarity Sliders in Adobe Camera RAW. Follow this quick tutorial to find out how you can boost textures and increase the clarity of your images in just a few clicks.

Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial

How To Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop


1. Right-click on your image layer and select Duplicate Layer.


2. Rename the layer if you like then click OK.


3. Make sure your duplicated layer is selected by left-clicking on it.

– Tutorial continued below –


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4. Go to the Filter menu and apply a Camera Raw Filter.


5. The sliders that we’re looking for are under the Basic category, they are the Texture Slider and the Clarity Slider.

Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop


6. When we move the Texture slider the textures are dramatically enhanced.

Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop


7. Now we’ll do the same with the Clarity slider. Look at how much clearer the details are.

Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop


8. To apply these enhancements to your image click OK.


Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop – IMPORTANT ADVICE

The Texture and Clarity Sliders are absolutely fantastic in my opinion. What a powerful revelation for post-processing. There is a negative though. Because it is so easy to make these distinct changes, it is also easy to overdo it. In the example below where we show a comparison of before and after, we really exaggerated the effect, just for demonstration purposes. Normally when I’m editing, if I choose to adjust the Texture or Clarity sliders, I rarely go above 15 + or -. You only need to adjust the sliders ever so slightly to get really impressive and natural results. Be sure to look out for following problems that over-sharpening can produce, such as

  • Black and white edging.
  • Colour banding.
  • That grunge HDR effect.

One of the biggest problems that we usually face when sharpening is Noise. Unlike the conventional sharpening methods of Smart Sharpen, High Pass Sharpening or Unsharp Mask, using these two sliders to increase texture and clarity in Photoshop adds hardly any noise at all.

This technique works very well in both Landscape and Cityscape photography where you what to amplify textures or details of buildings. It is also widely used in Astrophotography where it is used extensively to really make the stars shine bright in the night sky. Give it a go

Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop

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Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop

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Increase Texture And Clarity in Photoshop
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