
Photography Tutorials

Photoshop Secrets

Photoshop Secrets 12: Awesome Frequency Separation for Landscape/Cityscape Photos

Photoshop Secrets 12: Awesome Frequency Separation for Landscape/Cityscape Photos Frequency separation is an immensely useful tool in Photoshop, which portrait photographs have been enjoying for a long time. But we can also use frequency separation to drastically clean up our images, giving our photos a beautiful finishing touch. In this video I show you how […]

Quick Photoshop Secrets 11: (Luminosity Masks) Smoothly Blend Sunsets & Blue Hour Scenes

Quick Photoshop Secrets 11: (Luminosity Masks) Smoothly Blend Sunsets & Blue Hour Scenes One very impacting way of deepening the mood of our blue hour images is blending in a sunrise/sunset from the same scene, at preferably the same focal length. There are many ways to blend these two exposures naturally, but luminosity masks are […]

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